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Digital Marketing

Should You Invest in Google Ads or SEO?

No one can deny the fact that, without traffic, even a well-designed site can end up struggling to make people visit it. And, if you have all the expertise and you rely solely on organic methods i.e., SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to drive traffic on your website, it can take months to get enough traffic for your website to make it successful. So you have two options left Google Ads or SEO to drive traffic on your website.

How to Decide whether to invest in Google Ads or SEO

To turn a low traffic website into a high traffic website and that too legally, you will need to adopt a variety of proven online strategies like investing in Google Ads or SEO both. I would suggest you should invest in both SEO and Paid Traffic to get traffic on your website quickly.

But, how do you balance each to make sure you get the best of both techniques?

The Difference between Paid Traffic and SEO

Paid traffic is a “push” marketing method that invests in a particular demographic to create demand via broad advertising to a specific segment of the audience.

It is a steadfast way to build interest in your website rapidly. But it doesn’t make use of “pull marketing” methods like SEO.

SEO can bring in that traffic you actually need or say people who are looking for the products and services you are offering on your website.

It creates even greater exposure for your online content with techniques like content marketing, keyword targeting, a/b testing, and social media publishing.

In comparison to Paid Google Ads traffic SEO brings in traffic that is not paid, and it does so from all over the web.

Hence, the demographic can be much larger in comparison to paid traffic.

A proper mix of both Google Ads traffic and SEO can catapult your website to the front of the line by leveraging the potencies used in each method.

First, Get Attention with Paid Traffic Campaigns

If you want instant traffic, there is nothing better than the paid traffic campaign, unless you haven’t posted a recent video of a celebrity scandal on your website.

In Google Ads, you can specify the demography you want to focus on an exact level.

For example, you may want to only target a few areas from a specific country where the delivery of your product is possible or individuals who fall into a particular income level bracket.

This means that you can choose the “perfect customer” profile to target and this will enhance the odds that they will also be more interested in your products and services.

By buying traffic means using Google Ads to trigger your ads on top of the keyword searches you want, you start the process of advertising your site’s potential as well as it gives you an opportunity to convert some of that traffic to sales.

A paid traffic campaign can also provide the necessary data in your Google Analytics to do a/b testing to find out which offers work best for the audience you have targeted.

Nevertheless, prior to you attempting any sort of a/b testing, I suggest that you should fine-tune your SEO campaign.

Keywords and the New SEO

Various sorts of Google updates like Panda, and Hummingbird, have made it more difficult to bring in traffic via a single keyword.

Today, the content which is published has to have a keyword theme so that the entire article is noticed for the content, not just the keywords you have stuffed in it.

Over the course of its lifetime, Google has learned the art of semantic searching, and this search for meaning in content has affected how keywords are used within the articles and how they are noticed and ranked by Google crawlers.

Google also wants to see topical content in more than one place, a social network, like a blog and an article directory. It’s not enough to use SEO just on your website.

You need to do it in status updates on networking sites and in articles, you publish in other places.

Instead of one keyword, you may target a group of keywords or you can also use keywords theme to convince Google bots that you are knowledgeable on a particular topic, and not just adding keywords to try to obtain traffic without any know-how.

Once you have an SEO keyword strategy in place, you will need to publish content regularly to your readers in several places on the web.

Test Your Site to Make it Successful

Through A/B testing you can measure the performance of two different versions of a particular article and analyze which is most effective.

By modification in the content, like the headline or the call to action, you can easily see which version of your article got the most hits. This way you can also play around with keywords in SEO to see which work best.

Have a Content Publishing Schedule

In August 2018 after all of Google’s updates in its algorithm, fresh and original content is even more important. So is authorship, google wants to give you credit as an author, but only if you tag your content that way.

When you publish more content under your own brand’s name, your author rank increases in the eyes of Google, and over time it automatically places your content more highly in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).

Make sure to keep to a fixed schedule for publishing your content if you have a blog or forum so that your audience will come back more often to read your latest updates, at least 2 or three times a week.

Use legit SEO methods and make sure to index your content and make it easily searchable on your site.

You can use WordPress or blogger with integrated search facilities, or whatever you prefer.

This can help website visitors locate and read the topics of their interest, even when the blog post may be over a year old and it’s not on your front page.

Promote Your Site Actively

Once you have quality content and enough readers to test and market it, you still should try to generate more traffic from social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Digg, Reddit, LinkedIn, etc., where you can post your article or content as a status update, and people follow that content to seek more information on your website, that traffic is completely organic or in terms of digital marketing you can say that its referral traffic from the source you garnered that traffic.

You need not duplicate your content for this. But you need to set up keyword-rich snippets that link to it from other areas around the web.

This will bring you more traffic from other online areas where your audiences are.

Even you can promote it according to the other site’s guidelines, as long as your content is relevant to the topic and discussion.

Word of Caution

Here, word of caution is: avoid spamming sites with your posts. Especially, if they have nothing to do with the current discussion taking place or you might get banned. Or they can mark you as spam which is not good for your online health in terms of google algorithm.

Once you have generated enough organic traffic, you can now begin to invest less in Google Ads. Because it’s not best for the financial health of your company to keep spending for bringing in traffic.

You’ll go on with enjoying the benefits of good SEO techniques retroactively for a long time.

Also, keep your content and keywords updated, you can do this periodically, or whenever google updates on its algorithm to crawl the web to keep yourself in the race.

Because in a rapidly changing online world you cannot go with the spray and pray marketing methods.

Don’t assume that you have once done your job and you are all done. You need to keep your content updated all the time to reap the benefits of traffic. Else soon you will be out of the league.

If you like this information do share it on your favorite social network so that others can also get benefitted.

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