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Quality SEO Link Building Best Practices

Backlinks are one of the most important factors which search engines take into consideration while awarding rank to the website. It can have a significant impact on your website traffic and brand’s visibility. If good Domain Authority and good Page Authority websites link to your website you can rank well in SERPs. As it is one of the important factors of the SEO process sometimes it is called SEO Link Building.

Link building processes keep changing as search engines evolve.

Google’s Post-Penguin update the website owners and the SEO professionals have to ensure that your website’s links are composed of genuine website endorsements or relevant citations.

That will improve your overall link profile, not just for now, but for the future as well.

Importance of SEO Link Building

Correct Link building is very important. Because if you get bad links from questionable websites or paid links it may result in penalization of your website.

So, the best way is to stick to the legal ways of getting backlinks for your website. We will discuss how to do ethical SEO Link Building in this article.

Evaluate Your Link Profile

The first step in link building is to evaluate your current backlink profile. You can take the help of ahref’s backlink checker tool to evaluate your link profile for your website.

Audit the links and check the page authority and domain authority of the websites linking to you. Also, check if these links are ‘Do Follow’ link or ‘No Follow’ link.

By doing this you would closely examine the quality, quantity, and diversity of the existing links to your website.

Backlink Analysis

Check if there are any link issues before you begin with the link building process. Watch out for low-quality links that risk Google penalties.

Remove broken internal links that have negative effects on search engine crawling and indexing your website.

On-page Link Cleanup

Clean up your website’s linking profile by fixing your webpage and internal linking structure. If required update the links with the most updated resources or information.

Before you move on to the next task make sure all your links are working.

Ensure all the necessary redirects like 301 and 404 error pages are in place.

Search engine bots always go with the latest algorithm to deliver the best information and user experience.

So, make sure that you do your best to deliver the best user experience and information from your website.

Inbound Link Detox

In the next step, you should work on taking down or disavowing detrimental third-party backlinks.

You can do this by contacting the referring website administrator.

Request them to remove those links. Or you can use the .txt file in your control panel to disavow those links.

This might take a little time, but it is a necessary step to building quality backlinks to your website.

Doing this would help you create a healthy link profile.

It will benefit your website to withstand the test of time and algorithm updates.

Create Valuable & Shareable Content

People only want to refer to the best information, so do the website administrators.

That’s why they want to refer their readers to the website having the best information.

Hence, the key is to create valuable & sharable content to earn those precious high-quality SEO backlinks.

Produce original, meaningful & relevant content that provides the best of information or value to your online audience.

If you could engage your audience with your content, they are more likely to share your content on social media.

Diversity and Context

Context is the key concept behind any successful content marketing and link building strategy.

Everything right from the keywords to anchor text placements and landing pages all needs to be optimized for both the website visitors and search engines.

The caution here is to avoid irrelevant or out of context links on your website. If you find any link which is not relevant remove those links immediately.

Or it might give your problem rather than traffic.

For instance, if your website is about real estate then linking it with women’s fitness blogs is irrelevant.

Make sure to select anchor text and keywords that are related to your content and context.

Building a lot of contextual links is a good idea, but it doesn’t guarantee you a future proof link profile.

Also, it might put your website in a penalization list if search engine bots find any sort of link spamming or link farming.

Hence, you need to diversify your link profile so that you always remain at a better position in the search engine result pages.

Link Diversification

Nowadays people out there create fake profiles and start posting links on social media and spamming into the social media groups.

That’s why Search algorithms emphasize the significance of having a diverse link portfolio, which is genuine.

When you diversify your links you build inbound links on various websites, blogs, etc., which have unique domains and IP addresses.

But, when you spam on any social media channel, it has only one domain, on IP address which the search bots count as one. Larger is better.

The more unique links search engine bots find linking to your website, the more they will treat your website as a trusted source of information.

And accordingly, you will get your search engine ranking.

If you create and manage social channels like Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc., it can help you with your backlink diversification as these social accounts can improve your brand’s social signals.

These social signals also act as a cushion when major algorithm changes are rolled down.

Give your link portfolio the diversity it needs by building social sharing links.

Ensure that your other links are coming from unique, relevant, and reputable third-party websites which in no way harm your reputation and page ranks.

Anchor Text Diversification

Only inserting the exact-match anchor text to rank for your keywords is no longer a good idea.

Rather you need to diversify your anchor text and try to make your keyword insertions as natural and relevant as possible.

Below are the four major types of keywords which you can use in your content and backlink them to improve your website’s Links.

  • Brand Keywords: Your website name is very important. Mostly the website name (domain) is the brand name. By using your brand name as anchor text, you can promote your business, attract more leads, and improve your SERP rankings by associating your brand with your target keywords.
  • Exact Match Keywords: These are the standard key phrases used as-is in linking, and search engine bots understand that these keywords are exact match keywords and accordingly they rank those keywords. For instance search “SEO Best Practices to Grow Organic Traffic” in Google and you will find that because of the exact match this page ranks No. 1 on Google.
  • Partial Match Keywords: These are variants of your exact match keywords. This includes synonymous keywords (e.g. “Best Property Attorney in Delhi” is a partial match for “Best Property Lawyer in Delhi”), or long-tail keywords (e.g. “Golden Photo Frames” is a partial match for “Photo Frames”). You should also keep in consideration the partial match keyword options when you perform keyword research for your content and campaign. Especially it is useful in Google Search campaigns.
  • Generic Keywords: These types of keywords include calls to action such as “click here” or “visit this website.” Or any other phrases that encourage readers to click on the link to perform a specific action.

For more information on Keyword Selection, you can read the Definite Guide to Keyword Selection

Build Your Publishing Network to Grow SEO Links

Publishing your content on your website or blog is not the only place to do that. Rather you should build a publishing network to publish your content which helps you create backlinks for your website.

For instance, you can publish your content on medium.com, LinkedIn Posts, reddit.com, etc.

The objective is to get quality links rather than merely gathering links. Having this network allows you to promote your brand to a wider audience.

It helps you improves your credibility, and gives you a stronger, more diverse link profile from quality pages.

Types of Publication Links 

Depending on your industry and target audience you can choose or create your own publishing network.

You can also decide what kind of links you want to gather for your website.

Below are the types of publications through which you can gather backlinks for your website.

Press Releases

The press releases allow you to make announcements about new products, services, or website features.

Press releases help increase brand awareness through authoritative news and information channels. Also, they provide your website with a quality backlink.

 Downloadable eBooks, Guides, Infographics & White Papers

These types of content provide in-depth information about industry-related topics.

Offering eBooks, definitive guides, infographics, and white papers to your visitors will turn them into regular readers and adds to the diversity of your link profile.

Videos and Webinars

With the rising popularity of video streaming websites and scripts, educational videos and webinars are becoming a valuable way of communicating with your users.

Try to produce creative, memorable, and SEO Friendly videos and link back to your website.

That will remind your audience that you are a reliable information resource.

This way your audience will watch your videos and webinars to gain further information on the topics they are interested in.

 Informative Blogs Posts or Magazine Articles

Put your efforts in developing, writing, and publishing informative articles on external blogs.

You can also use online magazine sites to publish your content which then links back to your website.

Publishing articles and guest posts on the high PR websites such as entrepreneur.com help establish a good reputation for your brand by giving it a voice and personality.

While publishing your articles or guest posts on these websites, make sure that links only come from quality pages. Otherwise, your efforts would all go in vain.


The significance of the best quality SEO Link Building to your website cannot be underestimated or underplayed.

With the ever-changing landscape of SEO, initializing high-quality SEO Link Building campaigns are going to make the difference.

So, go for it and invest your time and effort to get more quality backlinks for your website.

In case you need professional help in doing the best quality SEO link building you can contact us and we will help you get the best results.

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