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How to Write Amazing Content for Website or Blog?

There is no denying the fact that content is the king and Blogging is the most sought after thing in the online industry. Everyone wants to have amazing content for the website so that their readers keep coming back to them to read more content and remain engaged with the website.

With the amount of demand placed on writers to come up with topics that are engaging and constructive, it can be difficult to keep the well filled enough so that you can keep cranking out great articles every time. In the long run, you can run out of fuel for your fire.

But this doesn’t have to be the case. The Internet is the collected knowledge of all humankind and with it comes the best ideas that humans have ever had.

It’s just a matter of tapping into this potential resource of information and finding something and to write amazing content for website your readers would love to read, share, and talk about.

Finding Good Topic for Your Blogs That Will Keep Your Readers Coming Back to You

Developing a magnetic blog topic or writing amazing content for a website for a particular niche depends upon what you know about your audience.

Once you leverage something your audience likes, it’s bound to be a hit.

Most of the time, bloggers have a problem getting to that part.

They usually have a problem getting something on paper that sounds good and will draw readers’ attention through their content.

For situations like this, the Internet is well equipped to give you a load of solutions.

Whenever the old writer’s block sets in and you’re grasping at straws for possible blog titles, you should probably give these tested methods a try.

Idea Generators

A content idea generator is a small application that allows you to input words or phrases and then randomly generate topics for writing blogs, that may or may not be of use to you for writing a blog.

But, if you try with some more keyword combinations you will get an idea to write your blog.

One of the most popular content idea generators is Hubspot’s Topic Generator. Given three nouns, it automatically generates topics that you can streamline to fit whatever niche you’re writing for.

As a rough guide, it’s indispensable for someone who’s short on time, or one who wishes to write something on a regular basis or the content writers who work in some industry and they have a looming deadline for the periodic content publishing on the company blog.

Though it is not an accurate tool, it does save you your valuable time of shuffling through the old magazines or straining your eyes for hours in front of the computer scrolling through google search engine results.

Technology has a long way to go before it becomes utterly intelligent to write entire content for itself, but it’s advanced enough to give you blog topics to think about, even though sometimes all you get are a mixed bag of jumbled words, but if you try for a few times with a different set of words you would surely get an idea for your blog article.

Read Comments in Niche Blogs

The most popular websites or blogs usually have a huge readership and comment storms under every article and post, hundreds of comments all saying what they liked or disliked about the piece, maybe asking for more information or clarifying information on the original post.

Comments from real users give you real and great insight into what the readers in this particular niche are talking about or what they want to read about.

From there you can simply get an idea to develop a set of headlines based around that topic and begin writing on that topic.

Keep An Eye on News & Events

Every day out there in the world something is happening in every industry, be it new research, a conference, a seminar, a product launch or anything for that fact in the matter and that is news.

The Internet has outpaced our ability to report them and because of that, there is always a ready audience for a news topic.

Now the question is what news topic do I write about? Where do I get the complete information? Can I still do a news report on something if you’re not a news blog?

Actually, you don’t need to be a news blog to develop good content based on something that happened or is happening that has the potential to attract your audience.

Thanks to Google Alerts, you can get information in your email about the keywords or topics you set your alert for and read what happens in your industry at any point in time.

From there you can deliver a succinct summary to your readers about something that they probably haven’t heard about yet but would be interested to know.

Keep an Eye on Social Media

Social media is an excellent source for getting information, ideas, topics to develop your content on.

Social media connects you with your audience directly and it is such a wonderful tool that the internet has given to the bloggers, writers, digital marketers, entrepreneurs, and brands.

It allows you to observe, communicate, discuss first-hand the things your audience is discussing with their social group.

If you spend an hour or two monitoring the trend of discussion on your audience’s pages, you can easily come up with a couple of topics that you can discuss.

An insight like this has great potential for generating excellent ideas for great content production. By using this information you can develop content around the topics your audience has chosen to discuss.

For a more direct approach, you can ask a question to your audience and from their responses, craft some riveting content, which they would love to consume, share, and discuss in their peer groups.

Write Something on the Lines of Successful Posts

Look at the best performing posts of the top four or five blogs you follow. What makes them unique? What causes them to perform so well?

Once you figure that out, it’s simple to craft a post that mimics the style and the structure of the successful post.

You can add some case studies, researches, quotes, pictures, videos, etc., to make it more interesting and engaging.

It’s a relatively easy way to give yourself ideas for new content in a short space of time.

People don’t want to read the same content again and again, so your content may not perform as well as the original, but it still has a lot of potentials and if you make it better and sharable then it might win over the original content because people love to share what they like.

More shares mean more readers you get on your content and that is kind of content marketing you are doing.

Sometimes you can just see the headlines of the popular posts and then do your own research to develop content around that.

Sometimes in doing your research, you might stumble across something else that you could possibly write about in future articles.

Take Copious Notes

Ideas don’t have a specific time when they strike in your brain. Whatever you do, wherever you go, have a small notebook with you so that you can take notes as things pop into your head.

The brain is a weird and wonderful organ and the times that inspiration strikes it are unpredictable.

Like a stenographer or personal secretary, you must always be prepared for when your brain lights up with an idea to document that idea then and there.

Having a notebook handy allows you to record the details of the idea in a solid form because let’s face it, not everyone’s memory is photographic.

You can also use your mobile phone to take a note about your idea or also you can use a voice recorder to take voice notes about your idea, but being an old-fashioned type of writer at heart, I find something comforting about a notepad and pen.

With a notepad you can outline the idea you have as soon as you come up with it, maybe putting in possible sources for reference or other odds and ends that would make for a great content story.

Ideas that come this way usually flesh themselves out fast.

Be Experimental

One of the reasons that people like to read is because they are afraid of doing some things themselves.

A sheltered, harbored life isn’t the place for thinking about climbing Everest, but through the magic of words and imagination, they can almost feel the cold sun on their skin and taste the frost-bitten air near the summit. It’s things like these that make for unforgettable content.

By helping people experience something that they would never try on their own, allowing them to live vicariously through your words, you attract your reader and they become invested in you.

It’s not like you have to go out on a climb yourself…that’s what Case Studies and stories are for!

Being a blogger means utilizing the available information you have to craft content that appeals to your audience.

A truly skilled master of the craft can take a boring, dry case study about a startup anywhere, in the world and turn it into a story about facing struggles, the perils of being an innovator, and the overwhelming joy of success with just a few turns of phrase.

Case studies give you a place to start to craft your story and by reading interviews and other articles on the topic at hand you can build a very good story that allows your audience to experience life through captains of industry.

Repurpose Your Old Content

This one is probably the simplest and most ignored way to generate new content – just use the old content! You need not copy the exact same post word-for-word and repost it again in the current date.

Content is a fluid thing and it can be repurposed in many different ways to present to the readers, the only thing you need to keep in mind is to keep it interesting and your audience doesn’t find it boring.

For example, you may have written something in words earlier in some point of time, by taking the salient points out of that post and combining it with images, videos, quotes, etc., you can create a stunning infographic that gets your point across while at the same time doesn’t take any more work in terms of research than what you’ve already done.

Also, your audience finds it digestible and doesn’t find it boring.

Final Words

Bloggers don’t have the luxury of time like the authors and poets. Their content needs to be published on time and must be of a high quality so that you keep engaging our audience with your content. These tips really help when you’re waiting for the well of your thoughts that need to be filled back quickly.

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