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How to Have a Good Online Presence

In the digital world where everything happens online, if you or your brand doesn’t have a good online presence, you might not only lose credibility but also lose various potential customers. 

Having a good online presence is very significant and generates several advantages and differentiation for companies, brands, and even individuals.

Having a good reputation is always good for everyone. Companies with a good reputation get more customers and earn more profits. Individuals with a good reputation have better chances of getting noticed and hired by the companies. 

Even now many countries only offer visas to people having a good online reputation. And obviously, they scour through the internet and your social media accounts to know about you.

Now you understand how important it is to have a good presence online. But, do you know what you should take into account to have a good online presence?

Don’t worry we are going to discuss that in good detail here so you can create a good online presence for yourself and your company.

Sign Up on Relevant Channels Only

There are hundreds of social media channels and mediums you can use for making your presence online. But, it is important to sign up only on those channels that are relevant to your industry or your audience are present. If you sign up on hundreds of social media channels you won’t be able to manage all of them. If you can’t manage those channels it’s no use to make your presence on them.

Instead of giving benefit to you, it will show people that you don’t manage your channels and don’t share valuable content on them. Hence, it is really important to choose the relevant channels and manage them properly to engage with your audience.

Share Thoughtful and Meaningful Content 

It is important to keep in mind that you share any content on your social media, forums, blogs, websites, or any microblogging sites that should be meaningful for your audiences. 

Do not share anything that can make a negative impression on you or your brand. Avoid sharing controversial, abusive, and negative content.

Post-Good Pictures, Videos & Images

You should only use good pictures on your social media profiles. On your Facebook and Instagram individual profiles you can share profile pictures you have with your kids, pets, friends, etc., but you should not do the same for the Facebook business pages, or Instagram business profiles.

Rather on the business profiles only share your business logo or a decent photo of yourself in decent formal attire.

Similarly for Twitter use a profile picture that shows a good side of you. On LinkedIn and other professional networking sites post only pictures of informal and business attire. Obviously, if you share a profile picture on a professional networking site having your pet in your lap won’t look good and relevant.

Be Attentive

It is very important to remain attentive and keep an eye on the latest trends, having knowledge about whatever is happening in your industry and work domain. You must be attentive and you should periodically review the mentions in which you were labeled to see if they should be public, so as not to go against the image you intend to build about yourself and your brand.

Acknowledge and always thank the people who like, share, and comment on your content. Always be kind, positive, and polite in the comments and replies you make. Try to reply to the questions of your followers, this helps you build engagement and bonding with your audience.

Learning is a never-ending process and you learn something new every day. Follow influencers in your industry and keep reading what they share on their social media, blogs, and websites. This way you can keep yourself updated on the latest trends in the industry.

Plan, Organize, Contemplate and Publish

When you want to build a good presence online you should plan your strategy very well. Organize everything and contemplate over what you are going to publish before you actually publish it. 

Check periodically to see if your strategy is working and if it is not working then modify or change it. Do not indulge in controversial topics and political topics if that’s not your industry.

Always show your gratitude to people who follow you and provide them value with your content. Do not share and retweet content from others just for the sake of sharing something with your followers. Rather inform them that you are working on some valuable content which you will share with them in few days. And your followers will surely wait for your good content.

Keep your social media profiles updated with your latest pictures. Also, be consistent in sharing content on social media, blogs, or any other medium you use to engage with your audience.

Build Healthy Relationships with Your Followers

Having more people following you on your social media and blogs gives you more authority and credibility in the industry you are in. But, you should not be ignoring your followers. Even celebrities can’t ignore their fans. They become celebrities because of these fans, without them those celebrities are just common human beings like others. 

Having a huge fan following makes ordinary people celebrities. The same goes for the others whom people listen to and read about and follow their advice. 

Try to build healthy relationships with your followers and also with the people you follow in your industry. Whether you are an individual or a brand, with booming digital communication mediums and social media it is even more important than ever before that you build healthy relationships with people who matter to you.

Control What Goes on Your Social Media Channels

While you surely are careful about what you share on your social media channels, it is also important to control what others share on your social media channels.

Keep an eye on which pictures people tag you in. What type of comments are they making on your social media. Also, keep an eye on what people are talking about you on other channels. Remove or request for the removal of the content with which you don’t want yourself or your brand to be associated.


Everyone today is online in one or another form. But, it is important to control your image and reputation online. It is very important to have a good online presence. With little attention, planning, and consistency you can create a good online presence for yourself and your brand.

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