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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Quotes by Krishan Kant Upadhyay

Below are some Digital Marketing Quotes written by Krishan Kant Upadhyay the Digital Marketing & Branding Consultant of Digitoly Consulting.

Digital Marketing Quotes

Digital Marketing is the work of Innovation, creativity, analysis and pure persistence.”

“In Digital Marketing you have only two choices, either Copy and Alter or Innovate & Transform.”
“Best Advertisement is a Happy Customer.”

“Your Customer is Living in the Age of Choices today, your talent as a Digital Marketer is to persuade him to Choose Yours’.”

“If your brand doesn’t make a good first impression in the consumer’s mind, then you have less than 1% chance of acquiring that customer.”

“People recognize your brand with your logo but they recommend it to friends and family with the name. Make your brand name and logo so simple for people to identify and refer.”

“Every product has a limited shelf-life, so keep innovating and offering new products to your customers or they will move to your competitor.”

“Product centered content is for the machines, bots, and salespeople, humans want to consume human-centered content.”

“Great Digital Marketing campaigns are the sum of innovative thinking, understanding human psychology, using the best technology to deliver a message to connect with human emotion which stirs a response.”

Digital Marketing is a mix of the most creative forms of art and social science.”

“In Digital Marketing the real value lies in the Data, everything else is loose change.”

“Digital Marketing is a relentless effort into creativity.”

“The only change that makes the real difference in Digital Marketing is Constant Innovation.”


Quotes inspire people to achieve success in their personal and professional lives. These digital marketing quotes are based on my personal understanding and experience I have in Digital Marketing and Branding. I wanted to express what I felt or observed in my journey so far. I hope this will inspire the lives of my fellow marketers and newcomers in the digital marketing industry.

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