ResourcesCountries That Support Google Pay, Apple Pay & Samsung PayNilankini SharmaDecember 8, 2021 by Nilankini SharmaDecember 8, 202104441In 2014, Apple was the only major mobile wallet on the market. But in 2015, Google and Samsung launched their own mobile wallets. Since then,Read more
InspirationHow to Get Prepared for Post-pandemic LifeNilankini SharmaSeptember 23, 2020October 8, 2020 by Nilankini SharmaSeptember 23, 2020October 8, 202002457We all are now praying that we get a vaccine for Corona Virus and get rid of this soon. At the same time, we haveRead more
ResourcesShould You Outsource Social Media Marketing?Nilankini SharmaJune 7, 2018July 11, 2020 by Nilankini SharmaJune 7, 2018July 11, 202003099Whether to Outsource Social Media Marketing or not is a question which boggles the minds of many entrepreneurs. Here I will explain both the scenariosRead more